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Poliblend by Ascend S.p.A., leader in the field of technopolymers and polyamide resins, is the founder of a solid group of companies that together form the Poliblend Group;
It produces and commercializes for the global market various basic engineering plastics (PA-PBT-POM) , elastomerised, reinforced, loaded, self-extinguishing and lubricated compounds. Poliblend by Ascend S.p.A. has achieved remarkable results both in Italy and abroad and has achieved excellent entry into the market, developing a wide range of materials used in the most varied sectors: from transport to electricity. Significant investments in both human resources and equipment have led to strong growth in terms of volumes; today, more than ever, the priority for the company is the attention to quality, for a constant and continuous improvement of the products.
The movement, the continuous and constant development of the company happens thanks to the fact that Poliblend has now consolidated its position on the corporate market with special products such as self-extinguishing halogen free, carbon fiber, elastomers resistant to temperatures -30 ° C, sample coloured even for small batches. This is made possible thanks to the synergies that Poliblend created with the other companies in the group.